The other day I got word from a neighbor that right down the street near Eagle Harbor was a very active blue heron rookery, so I figured I’d go take a walk and see if I could get any decent shots of them from the ground–maybe I could even catch some activity during a feeding time with a little bit of luck.

There were at least 20 nests at the top of the trees right off the street, with only a couple of the adult herons staying back to help guard the nests while the rest were out in the harbor getting fish to bring back to the chicks. Everything was quiet when I first arrived, with me and my camera being the most interesting thing as far as the young herons were concerned. That all changed once the adults started coming back with food and then it was all commotion–the young herons pushing and shoving each other out of the way.

While the visibility from the road up through the branches was pretty limited, there were luckily a couple of the nests that I was able to get a decent angle and clear shots of.